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Recovery & Towing
According to the AA the top 10 causes for breakdowns are as follows1 Flat or Faulty Batteries Bad Terminal & Clamp Connections. Jump Leads may save you here 2 Lost Keys Always carry a spare set, not in the car, you may be locked out!3 Flat/Damaged Tyre or wheelsCheck tyre pressures, tread depth, Look for uneven wear. Check rim for damage4 Alternator Faults Battery problems & dimming lights on low revs could indicate this problem. A red warning light and rise in temperature may indicate a broken belt STOP5 Starter Motor Can sometimes "stick" or find a dead spot.Can sometimes be cleared by "Rocking the car" in 2nd gear6 Distributor Cap Moisture, dirt, or a fine crack may be the culprit. A temporary cure may be a spray with a "WD40" Type product7 Running out of Fuel or putting the wrong fuel in, Make sure if it is not your car, you know what fuel it takes8 Clutch Cables The clutch cable is under high stress. Abrasions will weaken the strands until they break. Replace at first sign of wear9 Spark Plugs Never run spark plugs over their service intervals10 HT Leads Moisture & Dirt again,especially in damp conditions,"WD40" type sprays may help as a temporary repair
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